Our Gift of Hope Babies
We love our Gift of Hope babies! Since 2006, Fertility Answers and the Gift of Hope have awarded Louisiana couples the gift of a free in vitro fertilization cycles and free intrauterine insemination cycles.
Did you know that 1 in 8 American couples struggle with infertility each year? Yet only a quarter of healthcare insurers offer coverage for infertility care. For many couples, coming up with the funds to pay for treatment not covered under their medical insurance can be a huge strain on finances and emotions.
We feel strongly that couples, no matter their financial limitations or lack of infertility insurance coverage, should have hope to build their families. That’s why we created the Gift of Hope in 2006. This program helps infertile couples in Louisiana overcome these barriers to building their families through the gift of an in vitro fertilization cycle. Learn more about the Gift of Hope IVF Grant program.