Fertility Answers - Helping Build Families

Cost of Egg Freezing

What does egg freezing cost?

Egg freezing is a clinically accepted process performed by our South Louisiana fertility centers that allows you to get pregnant at a later time. You may have decided to pursue egg freezing as a way to slow down your biological clock and store your eggs while you are still young.

Or, in the case of a cancer diagnosis, egg freezing offers an option for patients to store healthy eggs before receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatments that could affect fertility.

You may be wondering what the egg freezing cost will be, and if your insurance does not provide coverage, how you will pay for the services.

Factors involved in egg freezing cost

Egg freezing and the subsequent thawing, fertilization and embryo transfer to the uterus involves a number of steps. At our South Louisiana fertility centers, we are prepared to help guide you in a caring, compassionate manner throughout the process – from the very first time you visit our offices.

Egg freezing cost is determined by a number of factors:

  • Testing, monitoring, medications and egg freezing costs about $10,000.
  • Storage is another $500 per year.
  • When you are ready to use your frozen eggs, egg thaw, fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF) costs about $5,000 more.

And while it is not inexpensive, going through the egg freezing process can give you peace of mind. Egg freezing offers a preview of your ability to later achieve a successful pregnancy. This factor alone could alleviate some concerns at the time you want to become pregnant because you will have a clearer picture of your reproductive condition.

Making the egg freezing cost decision

Our Lafayette and Baton Rouge IVF teams are highly trained to consult with you on the egg freezing process. We will communicate with you in the way you prefer – face-to-face, on the phone or by email through our secure patient portal. Our goal is to make the process easy for you. We know egg freezing is an emotional and financial decision, and we will work to make sure you feel comfortable in your choices.

In addition, we can help cancer patients find egg freezing discounts of up to 25% and pre-retrieval medication discounts for as much as 75%.

If you need to finance your egg freezing costs, we can refer you to preferred lenders, resources recognized for patient advocacy.

Contact us

For more information on the egg freezing cost and process, visit our Egg Freezing FAQs. Then when you are ready, contact our South Louisiana fertility centers to discuss your next steps. We look forward to serving you.