Opelousas couple gives birth to Dr. Chappell’s first Fertility Answers baby, born nine months after starting in practice.
Welcome to the world Jett, Dr. Neil Chappell’s first Fertility Answers baby. The baby boy was born to Katelyn and Hunter Simoneaux of Opelousas, who gave birth almost exactly nine months to the date that Dr. Chappell started his reproductive endocrinology and infertility practice in July 2018.
The Opelousas couple had been married for over four years and already had a 2-year-old daughter when they decided to seek help after over a year of trying for a second child with no luck.
“Hunter and I decided to see Dr. Chappell in Baton Rouge after a year of trying, stressing, and being disappointed,” says Katelyn. The couple had conceived their daughter Hollis relatively easily after just four months. So after a year of trying for number two, they decided that maybe they needed to see what was going on.
“That year of trying was an emotional roller coaster,” says Katelyn. “The disappointment month after month, the stress of trying to have a baby, and of course all of the Facebook baby announcements coupled with the constant question of ‘when are y’all having another?’ made for an overly emotional year for me.”
At her first appointment, Katelyn admits she was scared that Dr. Chappell would tell her that there was something really wrong with her and that she wouldn’t be able to have any more children. Fortunately for the couple, their problem was easily remedied with a hormone trigger shot to help her ovulate along with timed intercourse. And two weeks later she was pregnant!
“Basically, I timed her fertile window for her,” says Dr. Chappell. “The trigger shot contains hCG which causes ovulation of her dominant follicle so she could time intercourse appropriately.”
The hormone hCG, or human chorionic gonadoptropin, has properties that trigger your ovaries to release eggs. Thus the name “trigger shot” for an injection of the synthetic form of this hormone that will prompt ovulation.
“What I loved about Dr. Chappell was that he was very thorough, enthusiastic, and just aggressive enough,” says Katelyn. “He was positive and ready with a plan of action. I also really appreciated that he would personally contact and message through the patient portal.”
And now, nine months later, Baby Jett has made his appearance into this world.
“We didn’t find out the gender of our baby beforehand, so Hunter and I were both thrilled and shocked that he was a boy on delivery day! Jett has doubled the love in our hearts and our home and Hollis is such a proud and helpful big sister,” says Katelyn. “We are all adjusting to our new ‘normal’ but are so joyful and thankful to have our precious boy. Jett is such a happy blessing to our little family and an answered pray.”